Hello guys!
My dads went to New York again.
Of course I could not join them, I spent two weeks at the dog sitter's in Kelsterbach.
Lots of fun there and many other cuties!
I have a friend there ;-)
In New York my cuz Gismo had a good time with my dads,
they spoilt him with many belly rubs and lots of cuddling.
My daddies left on October 10, 2010 on an Airbus 380
A huge plane, but inside nothing special they say.
And look: Here they are already approaching JFK airport.
This is what my dads discovered next to Terminal One.
A doggie area, that is new.
New York, here it is! Seen from New Jersey.
I remember the Big Apple...

This is in Brooklyn, close to Greene Park, where my relatives live,
and my cuz Gismo aka "The Giz"
From his roof top he can see the skyline of Manhattan.
Halloween was coming up, everywhere!!!
Let's get ready for Spooky Halloween.
Cool, and my dads got remarried again.
This time in Brooklyn.
So many cute dogs all over the city.
And here The Giz again!
While my dads had a decent breakfast they opended their mail.
Of course there was also something for me :-)
Of course they also got me something...
Did you know that the New Yorkers are changing there license plates?
From blue to yellow.
Back in the city...
A store in the West Village.
And a puppy strore downtown.
I really hope they come from proper breeders and NOT from puppy mills!!!!
We animals know that when it comes to money,
humans can be really cruel!!!
Bed, Bath & Beyond is a MUST, isn't it?
My dads also went to Atlantic City, NJ, with my auntie Sarah, for some gambling!
Can you believe it???? They spelled my name wrong!!!
Listen, it is 'Bailey', B-A-I-L-E-Y, ok???
Ooops, what is that? :-(
Coney Island, getting nicer each time. They have done lots of renovation there.
Good, it was about time...
Also in my book:
Gizmo likes to be in a book.
Remember the Green Lady?
Time to say good-bye to New York.
Look here:
These are some of my friend at the doggie B&B in Kelsterbach.
I was so happy to see my dad Heiko again, who picked me up.
My dads back home, usually they bring lots of yummie stuff with them.
Let's see what is in this tiny bag...
Yippie, treats!!
Yippie, I have got a postcard from New York!
Shortly after my dads left, the East Coast was hit by the storm named Sandy.
Poor guys there...
Coney Island
In Manhattan
At the beach...